While cleaning out my apt I've had for 10 years I've come across some real gems that make me question the reality of saying, "I have an old lady living inside me"
Witness the Top Ten:
1. Water Goblets from the Crusade
2. Every woman in her 30's has a crystal decanter, right??
(*Sigh* I miss Talbot from TB)
3. Nice! I'm gonna break this out the next time I serve gherkins.
4. A cookie jar...with expired medication in it.
5. Oh look TWO tiers for all my medications!
6. Why yes I DO have a Hummel and random teapot knicknacks...
7. Old Lamp with light up base...let the romance begin!
8. My art collection includes...
9. As a young lady you can never have too much crystal!
10. The crux of my list...the tea cabinet...nuff said
And ONE reason why I may not be an old lady...I have pictures of my "boyfriends" hanging on my door - straight up teenager style!
*Writer's note: though I have all this stuff most I can't part with - some of it is really cool...on another note while cleaning I did find an old purse with hard candies in it.