

Saturday, November 14, 2009

CSI will figure it out

Last May we were at Burger King for my nephew Luke's b-day. His mom, Julie, had brought an ice cream cake and had asked Larry to bring a knife.

Always dependable, Larry brings this big knife with a wooden handle - old school 70's style.

We have cake.

The adults are sitting around talking. I start to clean up, throwing away all the trash when my mom grabs the knife to clean it off. My bro Matt notices something on the handle...a name.
He goes whose knife is this?

To which Larry replies, "Oh that knife? I found that in the yard a couple years ago."

We were all like, "What? "

I blurted out, "Larry this could be a murder weapon!!!"

As you can see Matt's expression in the first pic and then Larry's finger in the next...arguably trying to explain why he took the knife.

(it almost looks as if Ursula is defending him)

1 comment:

  1. That's great, Kate. Now that you've blogged about this on the internet, your parents are going to have a visit from the FBI in 3...2....1...
