One night at the rents, Larry is standing in the kitchen holding a wine glass full of amber colored liquid and says to my mom, 'it tastes fine Ursula' So of course that peaks my interest and I'm like what you drinkin' Lar?
So...he points to the counter where there sits a box of boxed wine - Pink Zinfandel. As I mentioned the liquid Larry is drinking is amber. So everyone is like how old is that?
My SIL Anh walks over and goes 'Dad this expired in 1999!'
I say "Dad you can't drink that!" As I'm walking towards him he rams the glass into his mouth and gulps down the rest! Oh Larry.
I walk over to the sink and start to pour it down the drain and Larry goes ape shite as usual - so I give up and walk away. He walks over to fill up his glass again and Julie goes over and puts her hands on his shoulders and tells him it's not worth it.
At this point I walk away - it wasn't until the next day that I asked my mom what happened - she said they convinced him to stop drinking it and my brother Matt poured it down the drain.
I go Mom how can he drink that or to the effect how can you allow him to drink it and she goes, 'well at that point it's really just vinegar.'
Seriously, I am related to these people?
I would imagine that vinegar was a step up from the original box wine.