

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Top Ten Reasons Kate is "OK" with turning 35

- Finally feels "mature" (don't read the rest of this blog)

- Still the baby of the family while others enter their 40's (suck it!)

- Already has a tea cabinet full of old lady stuff.

- Feels good that Angelina Jolie is also 35...wait ... that doesn't make me feel good.

- Finally owns her own "home"

- You gotta get older, right?

-  Her toes still feel 25.

- 30's are the new 20's (oh what BS is that?)

- All her friends will/have turned 35 too...

And the number one reason Kate is OK with turning 35:

- She holds out hope she still might grow a couple more inches.


  1. Read your entire blog....hilarious. You slay me and we should be best friends...just sayin'.

  2. Your toes may still feel 25, but how about those KNEES?
