

Thursday, February 11, 2010

If you build it, they will come

My last post cheekily described what I've been doing while snowed in (it's called comedy), but I want to get serious here, on my 7th day of captivity, and go over what I actually DID accomplish in the last several days.

Another pie chart (I'm tech savvy, Yo!):


And Hotmail, bless her heart, has been pretty quiet lately, until today:

Yeah this tidbit would have been helpful SEVEN days ago.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow, Smow... I need a hobby

So this is I don't know the 5th day of being confined at home due to the Snow-tastic adventure.

I'd like to say that I got tons of stuff done...sure I went through my closet and plucked two bags of clothes (straight off What Not To Wear I'm sure) and managed to do two loads of laundry, but there's so much I could have accomplished if I set my mind to it.

To wit, a pie chart of activities I've been doing: